giovedì 24 maggio 2012

Prima DenNor!

Allora... Yeah, I'm writing in italian because the Fanfiction it's in italian so bla bla blah.

Ho scritto una DenNor! Non so se sia decente ma l'ho pubblicata perchè la mia nuovissima beta-reader Rika-chan dice che è carina e quindi mi fido! lol

Cosa dire... è coccolosa, quindi niente sesso e soprattutto niente sesso violento. Peccato, non è da me. Ad ogni modo è qualcosa di curioso, una nuova esperienza per me direi. Spero vi piaccia! ^^

First Kiss - by Lady H

Leggetela e fatemi sapere! ^^ Se non potete recensire su efp mi piacerebbe sapere comunque la vostra opinione e potete farlo qui con un commento o su FB con un mesaggio privato o... beh, come vi pare XD

Grazie dell'attenzione e buona letturaaaa! <3

11 questions by Zel

Oh well, you do remember that mini game about the 11 questions and so on, right?? If you don't well just click here!
My sweet friend Zel tagged me! No, I'm not going to make this game again, I'll just answer the questions she asked! If you want to read the 11 facts about me or to take the game or whatever... the first link in this post is what you need!

Well, the questions by Zel! <3

1. What's yout favorite fashion style? 

My fashion style... I don't know! The point is that I like to change my style every day and so I'm not into a fashion at all! I'm getting interested in gyaru but I'm not really a gyaru at the moment so... can I say I'm a wanna-be-gyaru?

2. Do you have any pet? 

Uh! I've got four awesome cats! Raven: a black cat who's kind of tsundere. Kitty: she's dark brown with blonde spots and she's a super yandere! Emily: she would be black but she's got no fur because when she was a kitten some bastard left her on the road and she didn't eat properly for the first year until I found her and brought her home, she's sweet but quite brave (she often fights with other cats... and dogs... and she wins). Zeus... well, you can know more about him in this post!

3. What's your favorite garment to wear? 

I really love to wear my blue charleston-like dress! But I never wear it because I'm an idiot and I'm too shy to show my legs to the world! It's not very long (about half thigh) and it's dark blue. Argh I can't describe it! XD some day I'll post a picture of it!

4. What's your favorite book? 

My favourite book it's "101 alternative al suicidio" by Kate Bornstein. I don't know how it's called in english but it really changed my life. ^^

5. Where you want to live? 

Oh Zel, are you pretending not to know? I'd love to live in Denmark! I've never been there but I can feel it's where I'll find my place in the universe! XD

6. What's your favorite kind of art?

I can't say I really like some kind of art. I mean, I like loads of paintings, and statues and so on but I don't really have a kind of art i prefer over the rest. What I love is mostly being artistic: why can't we just face our life the aritistic/creative way? XD

7. What's your favorite artist?

Uhm... artist? If you mean music I really like Lady Gaga. If you mean paintings I love Max Ernst but I don0t really have a fave one. And others... uhm, I don't know!

8. What's your favorite season?

Autumn! I'm the nostalgic knid, you know... all about "smiling at my sweet memories" and shit like that, I like autumn because it's like remembering the past with that warm feeling in your chest <3

9. Who's your favorite model?
Uhm... I don't knowww! lol

10. What's your favorite song?
At the moment I really like Retro, dance, freak by Lady Gaga!

11. What  do you  wear more often?
Uhm I don't know but usually I wear jeans and t-shirt! I know I'm boring XD

mercoledì 23 maggio 2012

Are you happy?

It's been so long since the last time I wrote here... I'M SORRY!
I'm not going to leave this blog anyway, I've just been a bit busy with... things.
Today I'm just going to write down some random shit, I'm sorry to bore you with this!

The point is that... well, I'm NOT in love. Love is something different, this thing I'm feeling now for this guy is so fucking platonic, I'm somehow ashamed.

I'm wondering if everyone of you, at some point of your lives, have, or have had, that person. That special person that you'd really love to know better because something is constantly telling you that he's special (well, for me it's a man, for you maybe it's a woman!). I'd love to get closer to him and just know how his life is. I'd love to know all the meaningless things he does and... I'd love to know if he's happy now. I feel so silly thinking that he may be unhappy with his girlfriend and so on, he would have left her if he was not happy, would't he? But then I think about all the people that stay with girls/boy that make them cry or angry or whatever... and I seriously wonder if he's happy. I don't think that I'm the right one for him and all that romantic/egoistic shit. Hell, I don't even know him! But I'd really love to let him know that... life's too short to waste time with people that don't make us happy. I mean... I may not wake up tomorrow morning... he may not wake up tomorrow morning... I'd ask him: "If you died tonight... would you die as a happy man?"

Ok, I'm done with this! <3 Thank you for reading and...

Are you happy? -> comment here to tell me! ^^