mercoledì 28 novembre 2012



And I don't care if you're busy right now or if you'd have to cross the whole ocean to get here!

I NEED YOU RIGHT NOW, here with me.




I hate you for not being here with me when I need you so much, when I feel so empty and lonely. When I need your arms around me, to warm me up. I need to hear your voice, over your steady heartbeat, while you tell me that everything's gonna be ok, because you're with me. I need to breath your scent while I fall asleep and to find you here with me when I wake up.


...and this should be the part where you say, chuckling a bit,
"I love you too".

I wish I knew you.

domenica 25 novembre 2012

Maths and life

This is something I thougt of while I was showering.

I'm not very good at maths but I hope I did this right~ if not just let me know! It's been 7 years since the last time I had to do with this thing.

Well, time to explain it!

If A contains the people I like, B contains the people who like me and C contains people with my same interests...

Then there's people I like who likes me too and those are my friends.
There's people who like me and have my same interests, then those are my fans.
There's also people I like who have my same interests and those are the people I admire!

There's also (hopefully) a group of people I like, who like me and have my same interests.

All I can do is hope that it's not an empty group.

Because theorically my soul mate should be in this group.

Tadaaaaa! (?) What do you think of it?? :D

venerdì 23 novembre 2012




Love Art -pausa-

Messaggio per le fan (?) di Love Art.

Ragazze mie, sono spiacentissima di comunicarvi che ho avuto qualche problemuccio ultimamente.

Problemi con persone orribili (in via di risoluzione, forse) e problemi con persone a cui tengo tutt'ora un sacco (e non so come si risolveranno).

Per questi motivi non ho più portato avanti la raccolta, perchè ho perso tutte le energie e l'ispirazione, mi dispiace.

Poi ora devo anche prepararmi per gli esami quindi temo che ci vorrà un po' di pausa per questa povera e vecchia scrittrice.

Ringrazio tutte le persone che hanno recensito, che l'hanno messa tra le preferite o tra le seguite. Vuol dire molto per me, grazie.

Spero che abbiate la pazienza e benevolenza di concedermi il tempo che mi serve per rimettermi in carreggiata e riprendere la raccolta, perchè beh... non ho nessuna intenzione di mollare Egon e Thomas a metà!

Insomma, risolvo i problemi e torno, promesso <3 <3

venerdì 26 ottobre 2012


Non sapendo come definirla o cosa sia la pubblico qua.

Mi è venuta così, senza motivi apparenti. Non so nemmeno che titolo darci quindi "Stress" è un po' random.

Spero vi piaccia!


È tardi.

Spaventosamente tardi.

Sono già le sei e dieci e lei dovrebbe uscire di casa alle sei e un quarto per arrivare in tempo al lavoro.

Si alza di scatto e si veste correndo in cucina per mangiare due biscotti e, subito dopo, lavarsi i denti.

Mentre si prepara sveglia suo marito: dovrà portarla a lavoro lui, lei non ha il tempo di cercare le chiavi della sua auto, che la sera prima ha abbandonato chissà dove.

La reazione di lui non è esattamente quella di un uomo riposato. Dopo qualche “uh” e una lieve imprecazione si siede sul letto e si stropiccia gli occhi.

Ha un sonno del diavolo, non gli sembra affatto di aver dormito le sue solite sei ore.

Nel frattempo lei sta fissando con sguardo vacuo lo specchio, si pettinerà in auto, sperando di uscire dal torpore del sonno in tempo per cominciare il turno. Nemmeno a lei sembra di aver riposato per ben sei ore.

Lui si infila i pantaloni svogliatamente e butta un rapido sguardo all’orologio del forno: le due e quindici. 

Sbuffa. Quel dannato orologio si blocca ogni volta che salta la luce, sicuramente stanotte ci sarà stato qualche sbalzo di corrente.

Prende il cellulare e controlla che sia carico.

Corruga la fronte leggendo anche lì, accanto alla piccola icona della batteria carica, “due e diciotto”.

Va in bagno dove trova sua moglie china sul lavabo a sciacquarsi la bocca.

-Kærlighed... hai visto che ora è?

Lei si gela il sangue nelle vene e si volta a guardarlo senza rispondere.

“Scommetto che sono già le sette e venti. Dovrei essere in reparto da venti minuti. Merda.”

Leggendo il terrore nei suoi occhi assonnati lui puntualizza.

-Sono le due e venti.

Subito lei recupera il cellulare dalla sua tasca e controlla, incredula.

Sbuffa e si appoggia al lavandino.


Un leggero sorriso gli tende le labbra mentre le scompiglia ulteriormente i capelli.

-Dai, vieni a dormire.

Si tira su e lo segue a letto.

Sanno entrambi che a giocarle questi brutti scherzi è lo stress, eppure non possono farci nulla. Hanno bisogno dei soldi, nessuno dei due può permettersi di restare disoccupato ora.

Si coricano entrambi, in silenzio.

Dopo qualche minuto lui la tira a se e respira affondando il naso tra i suoi capelli tremendamente arruffati dalle due ore di sonno precedenti.

-Ho messo la sveglia anche io, riposati kærlighed…

lunedì 22 ottobre 2012

NORDICS! and a video!


And all the other videos in the same channel, they're all absolutely awesome!


How unusual, Haru, you never fall in love with Denmark...
*sarcasm level is over 9000*

So if the cosplayer reads this I want her to know that I may want to marry her~
I'm kidding (or maybe not?) I just want you to know I saw some pics of you on the net and, well, you're cute. *blush*


I'd hug you all if I could! :D Sounds creepy, doesn't it? And it's all your fault for being so cute and adorable! Ah!

(and it's all red because DenDen is cute~)

sabato 20 ottobre 2012

New Layout

Well I was kind of bored with my old template so I decided to go Designer!Haru again and I fought with Gimp for something like a couple of hours and finally got the background picture!

I know it sucks but it's just because of my totally awful graphic skills.

Here's the link to the original picture! PRUSSIA

They're so cute! Sometimes I wish I had a nice BF just to go around cosplaying both versions of a character and make out in the streets! Selfcest FTW!

Well I knid of like dots so... DOTS! :D

Have a nice day!

venerdì 19 ottobre 2012

1/3 love art!

Siamo ad un terzo della raccolta LOVE ART!!

si si si, un terzo! Oggi online il capitolo 33!

Il prompt per questo capitolo era PARTY e l'ho fatto fondamentalmente perchè ora come ora sono brilla/ubriacuccia~ I cocktail di mia madre sono la cosa migliore che possa capitare ad un fegato il venerdì sera! :D

1/3 done!

domenica 14 ottobre 2012

Museo Storico di Nucetto e dell'Alta Val Tanaro

Today I went to the opening ceremony of a museum in Nucetto. 

It's called "Museo Storico di Nucetto e dell'Alta Val Tanaro". 

For everybody who can actually reach this small town near Ceva I heavily suggest to go and take a look at all the fantastic items in this museum! 

It's mostly about the history of Nucetto and Tanaro's valley. There are things about WWII, Napoleonic wars, Middle Age and Roman Age (mostly about Ligurian Celts).

There's also a part about nature in those places! It's quite interesting!!

During the opening there were some men and women from some historycal reconstruction groups! There were Napoleonic soldiers, Celts and Middle Age people!

 Here's the opening ceremony with all the historical groups and the mayor of Nucetto!

Here are the Ligurian Celts: they were just awesome and funny! :D

Here's the group La Marina from Nucetto, napoleonic period! They're funny too~

This one's my dad! He's the Captain of the group La Marina.

And now let's get to important things (?)

While I was hangin' around the museum I found this handsome Slender-like guy who was in an awesome german uniform from WWII.

So meet my new husband Mr. Mannequin!

Doesn't he look totally like Ludwig from APH? Well I thougt so and I was fangirling all alone in the room~
I was totally asdfghdgjhkggdhjkhgh~

Then I (took an arrow to the knee) asked my dad to take a pic of me with this German soldier. Because uniforms are awesome. WWII uniforms are awesome. Ludwig's just plain awesome.

Now some good old links!
(Napoleonic period)

(Ligurian Celts)

Historical group Sine Mellus Vel Corona
(Middle Age)

OOOOOK, I'm done~

sabato 6 ottobre 2012


Aaaaaaah yesterday (well it was 2 am so it was today but I don't care) I discovered the nice, and kind of artificial, world of K-pop.

I totally fell in love with this song! It's by 2NE1 and I don't know what it means  or what the song says so... if it's dirty things... I'm sorry. XD

I like the ritm and they've got nice voices!
They're cute too!
I like the girl with long blonde hair, she's called CL!
She's got nice hair and such a nice make up! <3


mercoledì 3 ottobre 2012


Today I'll tell you about my fetishes.
I call fetish all those thing I really really like, at the point that I'm kind of obsessed with them and, somehow, I think they're sexy.

Really sexy.

I really like hats, every kind of hat. I've got loads of hats. I love men with hats. I love women with hats. I love Lady Gaga's hats.

Otk socks
I love otk socks, actually I like also otk boots... but I look better with otk socks. I love them with stripes, random prints, buttons, charms, whatever.

I love boots. Every colour or material. Otk, ankle boots or whatever. With buttons, buckles... I love men boots, women boots... everybody should wear boots.

I like almost every kind of gloves. I love strange gloves. I love Lady Gaga's gloves. They're sexy.

 I love them all! Militar uniforms, school uniforms, old uniforms. Men and women uniforms. Everybody wearing a uniform can be sexy and attractive!

I've got loads of scarves. Every fabric, colour, print, lenght. They're cute. I like men wearing scarves. I love women wearing scarves.

High Heels
I don't wear them. I've got a few pairs. I like them a lot. I like the way the feet looks on high heels. I like them strange, elegant and... well, Lady Gaga's.

 I like normal glasses and sunglasses. I've got loads of sunglasses. I like men with glasses. I like women with glasses. They're sexy and smart.

I've got some ties. I really love men wearing ties. I love women wearing ties in creative ways. I do wear ties in both normal and original ways and tie them in different ways.

When I'll get new fetishes (and it will happen soon) I'll do a new post about it.

Btw the picture I got or the uniforms, it's the "Reggimento La Marina" from Nucetto. My dad's into it. :)

giovedì 27 settembre 2012


Vote for Denmark!

Vota Danimarca!

Vota por Dinamarca!

Look at him! He's so cute!

And after "Gutters" and "A dream is a wish your heart makes" you can't say no to that face!


martedì 18 settembre 2012

Love art cap. 2

Eccoci col secondo capitolo di Love Art!

Love Art - Cap 2 by Lady H su EFP

La novità? Beh, ora la vecchia Haru pubblica pure su

Love Art by Lady H.K su

Lo so, il nick è diverso ma che ci volete fare? XD Ho messo pure il cognome!

Eh si, riveliamo l'arcano!

Lady H sta per Lady Haru. Mentre Lady H.K sta per Lady Haru Køhler! Lo so, amo troppo il mio nickname ma che ci volete fare? Lo trovo adorabile!

BTW (?) dovrei trovare una copertina caruccia per Love Art... ma non ho voglia di cercare ne di mettermi lì a graficare. Che poi faccio schifino a graficare. XD

Have a Nice Day!

lunedì 17 settembre 2012

Love art!

Eccomi con un nuovo, pazzo progetto!

Ho trovato in giro un elenco di prompt usati spesso e volentieri per delle drabble e io ho accettato la sfida dopo aver letto questo:

Aurora Borealis by La Mademoiselle

Le sue drabble sono bellissime e mi hanno ispirata! :D

Quindi il punto è:

100 prompt.

Ne pubblico una al giorno.
Nell'ordine in cui le scrivo.

La coppia che ho scelto è Ladonia x Kugelmugel, amo questi due cucciolini, sono la mia seconda OTP dopo la DenNor! Ovviamente non scriverò nulla di sconcio perchè poveri cuccioli, loro sono così carini e dolci! (?)

Come nomi ho scelto:

Egon Edelstein per Kugelmugel.

Thomas Oxenstierna per Ladonia.

Ad ogni modo! Ecco il link alle MIE DRABBLE~

Love art by Lady H

Leggete e Recensite!

giovedì 13 settembre 2012


Today I'm going to do something I already did on my Tumblr! No, I'm not that much into Tumblr bt if you want it's called "Zeus, Prussia and butter cookies" as well! Ah, even better: click here!

Anyway! I'm going to show you something! :D

This is my nose! It has a weird shape and I really love it! :D It's name is Svanna! Soooo, what do you think about it? Is it cute or... well, ugly? XD

Ah, btw I bought the fabric to do my cosplay for Lucca! I'll be Finland from APH :) I hope I'll be able to be in Lucca from the 1st to the 4th of November~

martedì 11 settembre 2012


Yes, I finally modified a pic, so I don't have that awful white title at the top of the page, now I have an awful immage~

I put the title on it so it's my fault if ti sucks XD

Here is the original immage!! Nope, I'm not that good at drawing XD I kind of stole this pic from whoever did it and I want he/she to know that I love him/her! This picture of fem!Prussia and fem!Austria is fantastic! :D

Well, tell me what do you think about my sad sad graphics!!

Ah, btw... the picture is not mine nor are the characters in it and I'm not earning money with it so... I just like it! <3

If you are the one who actually did this drawing or know who did it just tell me so I can credit him/her better~

martedì 4 settembre 2012

Rich o.o

Yesterday I was thinking about me and my life and... well, the same old shit. Suddely I came to the conclusion that in order to satisfy all my needs I'll need to be quite rich.

No, I don't need the money actually.

I'll need a nice tiny apartment in a city to live my ordinary life as the kinky girl next door and have my job, my cat and carry on with my somehow nerdy life.

(This apartment it's so nice! The owners are so luky!)

(I don't know who she is but she's cute! If you know please tell me!)

The point is that I'll also need a creepy old house in the country for the weekend, to organize weird parties and go around dressed up like lady Gaga and express what's in my mind.

(Random creepy house... I love it!)

(I actually prefer the black dress from U&I but this one's nice too)

Basically what I need is two different lives, so I could have my calm and normal life during the week and my crazy and eccentric life during the weekend... or may be during holidays! :D

lunedì 27 agosto 2012

La notte

Prima di addormentarmi provo sempre a concentrarmi un attimo sulla mia anima gemella. Chiudo gli occhi e penso al filo rosso, che parte dal mio mignolo e arriva al dito di qualcun altro... (mi diverto pure a pensare a tutti i garbugli che ho fatto con sto filo, quante volte siete entrati da una porta ed usciti da un'altra? Ci avete mai pensato?)A questo punto penso a cosa starà facendo la mia anima gemella in quel momento. Magari sta dormendo, magari è in giro, magari... mi sta pensando pure lui? Chissà! Dopo mi sistemo nel letto e provo ad immaginare che la mia anima gemella sia lì con me. Immagino la stanza grande col letto matrimoniale, immagino i suo respiro, il calore, magari di toccarlo leggermente con una mano... Avete presente quella sorta di "presentimento" quando non siete soli? Anche se non vedete la persona sapete che c'è. Io cerco di richiamare quella sensazione... e di addormentarmi pensandoci.

Stanotte è stato particolarmente facile. Sarà perché davvero non ero sola nel letto... non pensate male, era una mia amica. Tuttavia immaginare che quel caldo appiccicoso contro la mia schiena appartenesse al suo corpo e non dalla mia amica, è stato semplice. Mi è piaciuto. L'ho trovato piuttosto soddisfacente.

E boh... avevo voglia di condividerlo su internet.

sabato 25 agosto 2012


I fell in love with krakens. I completely lost my mind... I had a dream about a kraken and well, that's it. I love krakens.

Look at it! Isn't it absolutely creepy and awesome? And think about being on that tiny boat... don't you feel absolutely small and fragile? Ah, I love it! So now know know why in this moment my middle name in Facebook is Kraken! ^^

So lovely! I also went to the sea and found a cute stone that I called kraken, I keep it on my night table! XD

Have a nice day! <3

giovedì 21 giugno 2012


One week ago I finally read the fanfiction "Gutters" by Glassamilk. It's quite long and it's written as good as always! I don't know if some day Glassamilk will read this but if it happens...

"Glassamilk I really really love you and I wish I could write as well as you do, really! I mean it!"

Anyway, I'm here to write about Gutters... well... Glassamilk, I hate you for writing this. No, I still love you but... wtf?! Why did all that awful things come into your mind? And then you wrote them down! Argh! WHY?

My fave character is Denmark, so i you already read it you know why I still suffer for this... sometimes I'm doing something and everything comes to my mind and I'm so depressed! GOD.

If you love Denmark, and I mean LOVE LOVE LOVE, don't read it. It's really really sad. A sad fanfic. But it's a wonderful fanfic so if you think you can handle the pain and sadness and... well it's and escalation of sadness so... uhm... if you'll read it I hope you won't get messed up as I did and enjoy it!

Here's the link on

Have a good time reading... untill everything just happens.

giovedì 24 maggio 2012

Prima DenNor!

Allora... Yeah, I'm writing in italian because the Fanfiction it's in italian so bla bla blah.

Ho scritto una DenNor! Non so se sia decente ma l'ho pubblicata perchè la mia nuovissima beta-reader Rika-chan dice che è carina e quindi mi fido! lol

Cosa dire... è coccolosa, quindi niente sesso e soprattutto niente sesso violento. Peccato, non è da me. Ad ogni modo è qualcosa di curioso, una nuova esperienza per me direi. Spero vi piaccia! ^^

First Kiss - by Lady H

Leggetela e fatemi sapere! ^^ Se non potete recensire su efp mi piacerebbe sapere comunque la vostra opinione e potete farlo qui con un commento o su FB con un mesaggio privato o... beh, come vi pare XD

Grazie dell'attenzione e buona letturaaaa! <3

11 questions by Zel

Oh well, you do remember that mini game about the 11 questions and so on, right?? If you don't well just click here!
My sweet friend Zel tagged me! No, I'm not going to make this game again, I'll just answer the questions she asked! If you want to read the 11 facts about me or to take the game or whatever... the first link in this post is what you need!

Well, the questions by Zel! <3

1. What's yout favorite fashion style? 

My fashion style... I don't know! The point is that I like to change my style every day and so I'm not into a fashion at all! I'm getting interested in gyaru but I'm not really a gyaru at the moment so... can I say I'm a wanna-be-gyaru?

2. Do you have any pet? 

Uh! I've got four awesome cats! Raven: a black cat who's kind of tsundere. Kitty: she's dark brown with blonde spots and she's a super yandere! Emily: she would be black but she's got no fur because when she was a kitten some bastard left her on the road and she didn't eat properly for the first year until I found her and brought her home, she's sweet but quite brave (she often fights with other cats... and dogs... and she wins). Zeus... well, you can know more about him in this post!

3. What's your favorite garment to wear? 

I really love to wear my blue charleston-like dress! But I never wear it because I'm an idiot and I'm too shy to show my legs to the world! It's not very long (about half thigh) and it's dark blue. Argh I can't describe it! XD some day I'll post a picture of it!

4. What's your favorite book? 

My favourite book it's "101 alternative al suicidio" by Kate Bornstein. I don't know how it's called in english but it really changed my life. ^^

5. Where you want to live? 

Oh Zel, are you pretending not to know? I'd love to live in Denmark! I've never been there but I can feel it's where I'll find my place in the universe! XD

6. What's your favorite kind of art?

I can't say I really like some kind of art. I mean, I like loads of paintings, and statues and so on but I don't really have a kind of art i prefer over the rest. What I love is mostly being artistic: why can't we just face our life the aritistic/creative way? XD

7. What's your favorite artist?

Uhm... artist? If you mean music I really like Lady Gaga. If you mean paintings I love Max Ernst but I don0t really have a fave one. And others... uhm, I don't know!

8. What's your favorite season?

Autumn! I'm the nostalgic knid, you know... all about "smiling at my sweet memories" and shit like that, I like autumn because it's like remembering the past with that warm feeling in your chest <3

9. Who's your favorite model?
Uhm... I don't knowww! lol

10. What's your favorite song?
At the moment I really like Retro, dance, freak by Lady Gaga!

11. What  do you  wear more often?
Uhm I don't know but usually I wear jeans and t-shirt! I know I'm boring XD

mercoledì 23 maggio 2012

Are you happy?

It's been so long since the last time I wrote here... I'M SORRY!
I'm not going to leave this blog anyway, I've just been a bit busy with... things.
Today I'm just going to write down some random shit, I'm sorry to bore you with this!

The point is that... well, I'm NOT in love. Love is something different, this thing I'm feeling now for this guy is so fucking platonic, I'm somehow ashamed.

I'm wondering if everyone of you, at some point of your lives, have, or have had, that person. That special person that you'd really love to know better because something is constantly telling you that he's special (well, for me it's a man, for you maybe it's a woman!). I'd love to get closer to him and just know how his life is. I'd love to know all the meaningless things he does and... I'd love to know if he's happy now. I feel so silly thinking that he may be unhappy with his girlfriend and so on, he would have left her if he was not happy, would't he? But then I think about all the people that stay with girls/boy that make them cry or angry or whatever... and I seriously wonder if he's happy. I don't think that I'm the right one for him and all that romantic/egoistic shit. Hell, I don't even know him! But I'd really love to let him know that... life's too short to waste time with people that don't make us happy. I mean... I may not wake up tomorrow morning... he may not wake up tomorrow morning... I'd ask him: "If you died tonight... would you die as a happy man?"

Ok, I'm done with this! <3 Thank you for reading and...

Are you happy? -> comment here to tell me! ^^

sabato 21 aprile 2012

I've been tagged! ^^

Oh, well. I've been tagged on Rika's post. And now I'm going to do my duty and write loads of s**t about me and the tag some other people (?) with my brand new 11 questions! Ok, let's start!

 1. Each person must post eleven things about themselves on their blog. 
 2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus create eleven questions for the people you tag to answer. 
 3. Choose eleven people and link them in your post. 
 4. Go to their page and tell them. 
 5. No tag backs. 
 6. You legitimately have to tag.

Well... 11 things about me. I don't know what to write but anyway, here I go.

1. In my past I used to be thinner. But I feel fine with my new body.
2. I love all animals (above them all, I love cats). But I really hate monkeys. Really.
3. I hate coffe but I totally love Tiramisù.
4. I'm agnostic, and I don't really care about people's religion until it won't get in my way.
5. I'm kind of short, I'm 1.60 m, I'm the smallest in my family.
6. I like horror movies! But I never watch them alone, it's not funny.
7. I believe in paranormal, ghosts and so on.
8. Visitors and ufos scare the s**t out of me.
9. I'd love to wear more skirts and girly things, but I feel kind of uncomfortable.
10. Haru uses to speak about herself in third person.
11. I love to stand out even if I feel weird when people stares at me.

Ooook, I did it! Did you like it? I hope so! Now... Rika's questions!

1. Who's your favourite singer? Why?
I guess it's Lady Gaga, she's so... different?
2. Who are your top 3 role models?

Role models? Oh well... I don't know if I really have role models, I just do what I like and usually I don't remember where I see things. So... I'll say Lady Gaga, Dita Von Teese and... every f*****g girl or boy I see.
3. If you could have a pair of boots of any color, what color would you choose?

I'd like to have a pair of mint boots. Maybe with buttons. Yes, mint buttons boots.
4. What's your favourite word to say? Or one you use really often?

I like to say the word "compasso" and... lately I use to say "yay" very often.
5. There's a color which looks really good on you, but you never wear? Why?

Pink looks good on me and it's not like a never wear it but... I don't like it that much so I don't wear it often.
6. What's your most hated food?

Uhm... I hate tomatoes and so I hate every food that contains it. u.u
7. Which name would you gave to your children?

I love Cassandra for a girl and Ludwig for a boy. I hope the dad will agree.
8. What's your favourite artist? (I mean every kind of art)

I like the paintings by Max Ernst. Especially this one. In italian it's called "la vestizione della sposa".

9. What language would you like to be fluent in?
I'd like to learn loads of languages, but now I'd love to speak Danish.
10. Book, Movie, Manga, Anime or Drama?

Ahn... manga? Anime? Movie... well... everything!
11. What are you living for?

To be happy I guess.

Now my brand new 11 questions for you! <3

1. Tell me about the worst kiss you ever gave!
2. If I say "funny" what do you think about?
3. Show me a pair of shoes you'd like to have!
4. The job of your dreams? Are you doing something to achieve it?
5. How old do you feel? Older then what you are? Or younger?
6. Do you prefer summer or winter? why?
7. What do you think when you look up to the stars?
8. Now are you what you expected to be when you were a kid?
9. How do you like to listen to music? Alone? With friends? Describe it!
10. Have you ever been in love? How was he/she? Tell me about this!
11. If you could choose a new place to live, where would you go?

And now I should tag people... And I don't know who should I tag. Well, I'll do it this way!

I'm tagging you!

Yes, you that are reading this and want to take this "quiz" or whatever it is! Try and do it! If you want me to know about it just comment this post with the url of your post! <3 Have fun!